Different Set of Packages

Most likely you want not just plain vanilla small-server Solaris installation, but you are interested in some additional packages that can be installed. Instead of installing them manually or via custom scripts, why don't we specify them in the manifest? As you might have guessed already, if we can specify the version of entire package in the software_data part of the manifest, we can add more packages the same way, by using their FMRI names. Let's imagine we want to add a new management platform Puppet which was added recently to Oracle Solaris 11.2. If Puppet is installed from the beginning in the system, it can make system management much easier. But that's a topic for another hands-on lab.

First, we have to find Puppet package we want to install.

root@solarislab:~# pkg list -av '*puppet*'
FMRI                                                                         IFO
pkg://solaris/system/management/puppet@3.6.2,5.11- ---
pkg://solaris/system/management/puppet-19@3.6.2,5.11- ---

Copy the first package's FMRI until the @ sign into the clipboard or Notepad. Open the manifest file and edit it. After the line with solaris-small-server FMRI insert the line with Puppet's FMRI (shown in bold).

  <software_data action="install">

Don't forget to update the manifest after changing the XML file!

root@solarislab:~# installadm update-manifest -n default-sparc -m s11.2.11 -f ./s11.2.11-manifest.xml
Changed Manifest: 's11.2.11'

The rest is easy. Get back to OpenBoot prompt on the client (use init 0 for that) and install it again (with boot net - install). After configuring the system (hostname, IP, time zone, etc.) login via console and check if you have installed the right version of Solaris and the Puppet package.

    ai-client console login: root
    Password: solaris1
    Sep 22 17:43:17 ai-client login: ROOT LOGIN /dev/console
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.2    May 2015
    root@ai-client:~# pkg list entire
    NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
    entire                                            0.5.11-    i--
    root@ai-client:~# pkg list '*puppet*'
    NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
    system/management/puppet                          3.6.2-      i--
    system/management/puppet-19                       3.6.2-      i--

Success! Let's summarize what we have learned in this exercise:

  1. AI manifest controls what software is going to be installed on the client. You can add packages that are available from your IPS repository.
  2. Don't forget to update the manifest in the install service after you have edited the XML file.
  3. You can specify which clients should use each particular manifest by creating criteria based on hostname, IP address, MAC address, etc. IMPORTANT: in this criteria AI uses the hostname and IP address that were set in network-boot-parameters by OpenBoot, not the hostname/IP you intend to use after installation. Usually they are the same, but could be different.